About Hennai Modern Home

Hey! I’m Erica Hennes, welcome to Hennai Modern Home. I’ve always had a love for design & DIY, as a kid I was constantly updating and redoing my bedroom, building a dog house, & helping my parents with home remodeling. You name it and I’ve probably done it, maybe not always as well as professionals but the more I do it the better I get. My style has evolved over the years, it took me a while to discover what I loved and break away from the expectations of how all of my friends houses were decorated (or not decorated..).

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I am also a bit unconventional. I speak up when I don’t agree with someone, I think swearing is an excellent way to get a point across, there’s always a way to create a better life, and life is just too short to be unhappy and take BS from people.

I’ve spent my career working in Chicago & the Bay Area (currently, the East Bay in El Cerrito). I started Hennai Modern Home to support businesses in the home space run by real people. Yes, its easy to just order everything from the big box stores, or Amazon, but we are just making a few people even more well off.

I’d like to see a world where women, minorities, BIPOC, and people of all shapes, sizes, life experiences and educational backgrounds are able to start and build thriving businesses in their communities.

Thanks for stopping by! Please reach out if you know a great person or product that should be featured or even if you just want to say hello!

Hennai Modern Home Serves 3 purposes.


Small Businesses

Showcase the lives, talents, and products of small business owners that are doing incredible things in the modern home space. Yes, there will be ads on the site. However, you won’t see listicles of all Amazon products or recommendations from major big box stores.

Real Life

Be more than an aspirational modern home site. You won’t see million dollar homes designed by world class architects in the most expensive zip codes. You will see ideas, & inspiration for living a nice, regular life that’s actually within your means

Sustainable Living

Be Eco-conscious by featuring as many products as possible made in the US, that are also made sustainably and by companies that treat their employees well and don’t have horrendous effects on the environment and our one and only planet.



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